Renge Administrative Lawyer Office English


What Administrative Lawyer: Gyousei-Syoshi to do?

Administrative Lawyers are given national licence, being able to provide consultation about legal matter.
Especially for foreign people, consulting about immigration, such as VISAs naturalization to Japan, permanent residence, and any other matters regarding those procedure are our speciality.

Difficulties in Japan: how you can get long-term-stay authorization?

Historically, it is not easy for foreigner to stay long term period certainly in Japan. As you know, we Japanese closed the relationship with overseas through the 17th to the 19th century for its domestic policy; so called national isolation.
Recently, many of Japanese companies employ non-Japanese workers in the name of the globalization. However, it is not still easy for them to get rights to long stay in this country.

Recommended Solutions

The only way to stay long-term-period in Japan is receive the approval from the government. The procedure is as ever. You need to prepare a lot of papers and will be kept waiting in front of the official in a traditional way.
It would be better to ask the experts to get government permission.
Administrative Lawyers will be the strong partners to acheive the goal.

In Japan, please ask below for further information

Renge Administrative Lawyer & Social Worker Office


Please feel free to contact my office:
Hisaharu Nameki



Kanagawa Association of Administrative Lawyers;


International Affairs Division provides telephone counselling in English for FREE.
Every Friday from 13:30 to 16:30
Chinese also available.

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